Now that the world is learning to live with COVID-19 and businesses resume their activities, personal brand photography is on the rise. We know it because we’ve been getting more requests for such shoots than ever. Teams and individual entrepreneurs want ...
Madeira is now living through a real boom of real estate deals: a lot of houses and apartments are being sold or repurposed from short-term leases. Surprisingly, with such a great nature around, only a few announcements can boast quality photos. If you ...
A year ago we heard the word COVID-19 for the first time. A sad word for many of us. Since then we’ve learned a lot. We have learned how to do a photo session in the COVID-19 times in Madeira and what kind of measures we need to take to protect our ...
Many couples choose Pico do Arieiro, the Arieiro Peak – one of the highest peaks in Madeira, for their sunrise or sunset photo session and stay speechless afterward. Imagine, you are above the clouds surrounded by high mountain peaks, the sun paints ...